How To Survive In Life As An Empathetic Woman of Color
Cause you be feeling ALL the feels, girl.
Bauce is a lifestyle site for the self-made woman. We provide empowering, informative, and entertaining content to help ambitious millenial women reach their goals, look fly, and stay confident. BAUCE is not just a publication -- it's a lifestyle.
Cause you be feeling ALL the feels, girl.
What you put on your skin matters, girl.
Rising collectively to reclaim our ownership in the world.
As the leaves turn orange and brown and the winds begin to set in, be prepared to layer up your...
Now you don't just have to pat your weaves ladies.
It is a question that every lovelorn person who has turned to the internet has asked at some point. Are...
Stop wasting all your hard earned money and start saving with these incredible tips.
Meet the queen of the blerds.
Traveling alone as a woman can be daunting your first time, which is why it’s essential to choose a destination...
If you want a top job in the STEM field then these are the top programs you should be considering.
If you want your hair to look like it does when you step out of the salon then you need...
You can whip this hair back and forth, honey!
Having a blooming career can lead to great self-worth but can also create internal guilt.
Do this and you will look like a celeb all summer.
Need a vacation, but lacking the time or funds for a getaway? Your solution: the staycation.