On my body, it seems there are prints, left over from strangers with stray hands. Too often, these strangers are...
As I'm sitting here in my living room with my music plugged into my ears waiting for the Lord to...
Sometimes it seems that the life I’m living isn’t at grand as it may seem. The little things that matter...
By Jessica Smith I never understood why women are so crazy about hair. I mean it’s just hair! Me personally,...
By Shane’a Thomas BBM conversation with my friend Wynette: Wynette: So, how can I become a therapist? Me: Get a...
I’m just going to assume that you just don’t get it. That you really aren't blatantly ignoring my questions but...
By Shane'a Thomas “Forgiving is giving up the hope that the past could have been different.” –The Goddess, Oprah When...
Some say the “thinner is the winner.” Well, let’s ask ourselves, is the thinner woman really the winner? Many websites...
By Lucia V. Smith I am extremely self-conscious about dating younger men. I just won’t do it. There’s something about...
By Dani I have always considered myself versatile in how I like to wear my hair. Now that I am...
Watching the news can be hard sometimes. As much as it informs us, it always seems that there is so...
By Lucia V. Smith There’s a point in life when you just stop caring. I’m not really sure when that...
Being a woman of many colors, I always become excited when I see a woman with mixed race gracing the...
By Marisa Hezekiah Remember a time when people used to be friendly in public? Do you remember when others would ask,...
There's certain points of the day that make us feel lethargic. Unexcited. Or we're stressed. Cluttered. Bothered by what the day has...