You’ve been dreaming about starting your own business but often become frustrated with where to start. Taking courses, attending workshops, and following someone else’s business model might seem like a few smart places to begin. But have you discovered your zone of genius?
To establish a viable business venture, you must identify your zone of genius.
What is the zone of genius?
The concept comes from the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. In his book, he describes four different zones of function. These include the incompetence zone, the competence zone, the excellence zone, and the genius zone.
Zone of genius involves using your unique talents, strengths, and passions to help you find fulfillment in your work. In this zone, you combine your passions with your skillset and utilize your natural abilities. Working in this zone allows you to create a business that is special to you and helps you to work within a flow state. This is a state of being where ideas come quickly, and work feels effortless. The more connected you are with your work, the more likely you will stay consistent with your business.
Steps to finding your zone of genius
Discovering your zone of genius takes time, patience, and dedication. Understanding your zone of genius can increase your inner perspective and make the transition into entrepreneurship much more manageable.
Identify what energizes you
Write down everything you do for a week, including work, hobbies, conversations, chores, etc. At the end of the week, highlight or note what energized you. On your list, circle or highlight the things you did that made you happy or excited to do.
The things you identify will be a part of your zone of genius.
Get clear on what you are passionate about
The zone of genius includes things that you not only enjoy doing but also activities and interests that you couldn’t live without. Which tasks, activities, or interests can you get lost in? Where do your passions lie?
Take time to self-reflect
Self-reflection is critical because it can give you insights into yourself that you may not have noticed while you go about your day.
Self-reflect and ask yourself the following questions: What parts of my work make me feel fulfilled and satisfied? When am I at my best? What are the things I’m doing when I’m at my best? What things do I do that don’t feel like work?
Try something new
If you don’t know your passions, it might be time to follow your curiosities and discover something new. What’s one thing you’ve been meaning to try? Is there anything you’ve always wanted to do?
Trying new hobbies, interests, and professions can be an exciting and challenging experience. Maybe you’ll find something you love or discover something not for you. Either way, the more you put yourself out there, the more likely you are to stumble upon your zone of genius.
Get insights from others
Sometimes, others know you better than you know yourself. When finding your zone of genius, try asking others what they think you’re most talented at. Also, pay attention to things you often receive positive feedback on. What are people constantly seeking your help with?
Knowing your impact on others can help you see where your expertise lies.
Ask yourself the golden question
How can I combine what I’m good at with what I’m passionate or curious about? The answer will give you your zone of genius.
Create a business utilizing your zone of genius
When creating a business around your zone of genius, the most essential aspect is to focus on what you do well. Remember that consistently working in your zone of genius may not always be possible. Still, you can at least dedicate part of your time to improving your skills.
Design your business around your zone of genius
Building a successful business requires combining your passions and interests with what you do well. For instance, if you have expert skills in marketing but are passionate about healthcare, you could start a marketing company that works exclusively with healthcare providers.
If you’re working a 9 to 5 job, ask yourself how you can expand your current role to do more of what is in your zone of genius. This could look like working more with customers if you’re good with people or working behind the scenes if you’re better with numbers.
If there is an area of your business you’re not particularly good in, consider hiring an assistant or extra help who can take on the tasks that don’t best utilize your talents.
For instance, if your genius zone involves talking with people and making them feel at ease, you may not be great at administrative work or sending emails. Therefore, hiring a virtual assistant will help you build the parts of your business you’re good at.
Partner and work with others in their zone of genius
As you strive to work in your zone of genius, focus on working with or hiring those working in their zone of genius. Doing so will help your work environment grow and be a place of ease and productivity.
Keep in mind that finding your zone of genius can take time. Make it your focus to pay attention to where your mind wanders when you’re bored. Whatever you constantly think of could be a clue of what you need to pursue. Likewise, pay attention to what comes easy to you and the areas you’re performing well in. All these factors can lead you to your zone of genius.