It is no secret that America is in the midst of an obesity epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of American adults are obese. And that number is only getting worse.
One of the main reasons for this epidemic is overeating. When people eat too many calories, they tend to gain weight. Apart from obesity, overeating can lead to various health problems.
So without further ado, here are seven ways that overeating can affect your body:
1. Overeating Can Lead to Weight Gain
It is a simple rule: you have to burn more calories than you eat. But for many people, it is easier said than done. If you are constantly eating too much and not burning enough calories, the excess will result in extra weight. And that can be very dangerous if left unchecked.
2. Overeating Increases Blood Pressure
According to the Centers for Disease Control, high blood pressure is one of America’s biggest health problems. In fact, about 116 million Americans suffer from hypertension – and 80 percent don’t even know they have it! Apart from obesity and age, overeating is another major cause of high blood pressure.
When your body gets enough nutrients and vitamins, it will secrete the stress hormone cortisol to burn stored fat for energy. This can cause blood pressure levels to rise, as well as increase your risk of heart disease and heart attack.
3. Overeating Can Cause Type 2 Diabetes
With obesity becoming such a huge health concern across the nation, many doctors are now diagnosing type 2 diabetes more frequently than ever before. This form of diabetes is linked to obesity – especially belly fat – and a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates.
The best way to avoid getting type 2 diabetes is through a combination of healthy eating habits and regular exercise. But if you are already overeating regularly, then you may be putting yourself at risk for developing this very serious condition.
4. Overeating Can Lead to Heart Disease and Cancer
The other major health risks of overeating are heart disease and cancer. Obesity is a known cause of various types of cancer – such as colorectal cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and esophageal cancer. And within this group, belly fat is even more dangerous than other types of body fat.
Not only does it increase your risk for getting type 2 diabetes – which can lead to heart disease – but it also increases levels of estrogen in women and testosterone in men, which can potentially increase your risk for certain cancers.
5. Overeating Can Cause Gallstones
Gallstones are small, pebble-like stones that can form in your gallbladder – the organ responsible for secreting bile to help digest food. When you binge eats regularly, it can strain your liver and prevent it from breaking down fat properly.
This could lead to hardening of the arteries and ultimately cause serious health problems related to high cholesterol levels.
6. Over Eating Can Lead to a Binge Eating Disorder
If you binge eat regularly, then you may be suffering from a binge eating disorder. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), binge eating is one of America’s most common eating disorders.
Symptoms of binge eating include regularly consuming large quantities of food without purging or excessive exercise; guilt after bingeing; bingeing even if not hungry; hiding binge-eating episodes, and bingeing alone to avoid embarrassment.
The best way to overcome this form of disordered eating is through professional help with an experienced therapist providing a binge eating recovery plan.
7. Overeating Can Cause Acid Reflux
Too much eating can not only lead to weight gain but heartburn as well. If you don’t eat at regular intervals or consume too many calories at one time, then acid reflux is inevitable. And if you are binge eating on a regular basis, then this may be causing your body some serious discomfort.
To get rid of acid reflux, it is important to eat smaller meals throughout the day. Plus, make sure you are consuming lots of water and chewing your food slowly.
Overeating has many negative effects on your body, including weight gain and the development of various types of cancer. Overeating also increases your risk for high blood pressure or hypertension, which can lead to heart disease.
If you are overeating because you have a food addiction, it is important to seek professional help in order to recover. So if you think over-eating may be causing health problems like type 2 diabetes or acid reflux, then get in touch with professionals today!