“If you are starting your own business, the best shortcut is to find a good mentor.” – Kim Kiyosaki ( Co-founder and CEO of The Rich Dad Company and a spirited advocate and educator of financial education.)
This quote sums up the importance of having a mentor.
Whether you want to start your own business, move up the corporate ladder, or be a BAUCE, a mentor can help pave the way for your success. But in today’s highly competitive world, having just one mentor is doing the bare minimum. According to CEO and author Anthony Tjan, you need five different mentors. If you’re wondering what you can achieve with five mentors, here are the different types and how to find them.
The master of craft
This is a mentor that is the best in their field. For example the CEO of a company, a best-selling author, or even a world-renowned chef. They are someone who has been in the industry for years. They know the ends and outs of their business and are a fountain of wisdom.
How to find one: Start with the industry you work in. Say you work in beauty. Try looking up the best stylist or beautician in your area. Or you can find this mentor at a cosmetology school. Regardless of your field, look to see who’s at the top. Who is the person that others often seek advice from?
The champion of your cause
This type of mentor will be your advocate. They are the ones that will speak well of you, in front of your superiors. They will insert your name into conversations you should be a part of. Imagine them as the ladder connecting you to the next level of your career.
How to find one: This mentor is most likely someone you’ve worked with; someone who’s seen your diligent work first-hand or has witnessed the positive impact you’ve made on your community. When seeking this type of mentor, think about people you’ve worked alongside. This could be a former or current manager or a leader in the organizations you are involved in.
The co-pilot
Similar to an actual co-pilot, this mentor is right by your side. This is often someone you work in a close capacity with. When you’re applying for a promotion, this mentor is right there cheering you on. If you have a meeting with the company VP for example, your co-pilot is helping you strategize. They are also there to listen to you vent when you feel frustrated on the job.
How to find one: Chances are you already have your co-pilot. Think of the work buddy that you trust and confide in. Who cheers you on? If you’re not comfortable with establishing work friendships, or you’re a solopreneur you can still find your co-pilot. Try reaching out to others who work in similar fields. For example, if you’re a freelance writer you can reach out to editors, copywriters or coaches who share similar values.
The anchor
The anchor is someone outside of work, yet they are someone you can talk to about work. The anchor is usually a friend or a family member and they are there to help you keep a work-life balance. When the job becomes overwhelming or the uncertainty happens, your anchor will help keep you grounded in your values.
How to find one: Reach out to a close friend that you trust. Ask if they are comfortable with having conversations around work and the influence it has on your life.
The reverse mentor
This relationship comes from someone you mentor. Mentorship is a two-way street where you are receiving valuable insight into your leadership and communication style. You can directly see the impact you have on your mentee.
How to find one: If you’re not currently mentoring anyone, you can start by making it known that you are available for mentorship. If you currently have a mentee make sure you are maximizing your relationship. Understanding what they are getting from the experience by asking for feedback.
Major Gem: In today’s highly competitive world, having just one mentor is doing the bare minimum.