7 Fitness Goals Women Should Set to Get Fit
Sometimes it’s tough to stick to fitness goals, especially when factors such as your social life get in the way. ...
Sometimes it’s tough to stick to fitness goals, especially when factors such as your social life get in the way. ...
One of the toughest parts of losing weight is giving up our crunchy and salty addictions that taste so good but pack ...
New Years is just around the corner. Many of us will start creating a list of resolutions. We will create ...
The world was introduced to Chelsea Settles last year when MTV premiered a show about a woman fresh out of ...
By Amy Sanders HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone produced during pregnancy. Typically HCG is prescribed for fertility ...
Some say the “thinner is the winner.” Well, let’s ask ourselves, is the thinner woman really the winner? Many websites ...
Your probably wondering what's causing you to pack on those extra pounds here and there. Or why your pants are ...