It is the second month of the year and that “R” word has already disappeared: r
Why set an intention over a resolution? In The Power of Intention, Wayne Dyer defines intention as “a strong purpose or aim, accompanied by a determination to produce a desired result.” An intention is something you aim to achieve, something that has a purpose to you, something that you actively work to manifest in your life. So what is the difference between making a resolution to go to gym 3-4 times a week, and setting the intention to live a healthier lifestyle? A lot.
With that being said, resolutions can help you achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself, if you stick to the meaning of “resolving a problem”. Think about what resolve is: deciding firmly on a course of action. If your intentions are coupled with the true meaning of resolve, it would be almost impossible for you to not approach the things you want to accomplish with steadfastness.
You ultimately need both the intent and resolve. So, if your resolution has already slid quietly away, that’s okay. It doesn’t have to be New Year’s Day for you to recommit – you can do it this very day.