It’s a brave new world out there. Due to the coronavirus, many people are furloughed and stuck at home because the business that they have worked for or even potentially managed for years is no longer able to open. In other cases, people have been left unable to work and have received no financial support at all. Currently, the unemployment rate in the U.S. is skyrocketing. In this uncertain time, it’s important to remain hopeful, optimistic and yes, productive. So, what are the best ways to stay productive during this particular pandemic? Well, there are a few options that you can consider here.
Improve Your Social Media
It’s important to be aware that these days, a lot of job offers occur after the employer hunts for the employee rather the other way around. One of the days they do this is by searching for you on social media networks. There are numerous networks that you can consider utilizing. However, the best one to focus on LinkedIn. LinkedIn provides a way that you will be able to connect with a variety of people in your business industry or sector. But it’s definitely not your only option. When employees explore the online identity of a potential candidate, they tend to explore every form of social media. As such, it makes sense to boost up your profile on every network you can think of.
Twitter is particularly important because this, similar to LinkedIn, is often considered to be a working social media. In other words, it’s commonly used for business as well as pleasure.
Learn Some New Skills
If you want to ensure that you are hireable in what could soon be a very busy and competitive job market, then you need to make sure that you are doing your best to learn some new skills. This is going to boost how attractive you seem as a hire to a potential employer. There are various different skills that you can consider here however one of the best options is probably a new language. A second language is always going to make you attractive to an employee because it will help you connect and interact with a far larger group of customers and clients. The world today is a melting pot and employers will often want to ensure that their workforce and team reflect this. There is also alarming evidence that diverse companies are far more likely to find success on the market compared to the typical business so there are a lot of benefits here to consider.
Learn Online
While the office may be closed right now, that doesn’t mean that learning or training needs to stop. You may want to consider online education options. Even if you are not in lockdown online education can provide a variety of advantages. It will ensure that you are able to learn at your own pace and fit learning into your schedule. This will ensure that you don’t have to worry about trying to juggle work, your budding career, and your personal life. It should all fit beautifully into place with online education. There are also very few limitations on what you can learn so it would suit a wide range of different individuals. It will even be flexible to suit a wide range of budgets. You don’t need to have thousands saved to boost your knowledge when you use an online resource.
Be Creative
Or finally, you can think about honing your creative muscle, rather than thinking purely about your career. A lot of people dream about writing a novel but never actually think they will have the time or even the energy to do that. Of course, the lockdown has radically changed this because it’s now possible to find the time you need and ensure that you can bring these goals to life. With the right time management skills, you will be able to continue pursuing these goals, even when you are able to return to work.
Alternatively, you could also think about setting up a blog or even starting your own full business. Both take a lot of time and effort, but it’s far better than feeling completely unproductive.
We hope this helps you understand some of the best ways that you can keep your productivity levels high during the coronavirus pandemic. If you take this advice, you should have no issues guaranteeing that you aren’t wasting this time completely. You can push your career forward and boost the level of skill that you currently have, thus making you a more attractive hire to employees.