Gird your loins, ladies. We have a new female emcee gracing the mainstream hip-hop scene and we couldn’t be happier.
The young and mouthy 21-year-old is bringing something new to the game: innovation. Instead of recycling the same tricks many female rappers have used before her, Banks is creating a new sound with dub step, house and classic rap elements. Banks is a breath of fresh rage with cutting lyrics and a raw delivery. The songs are sure to get your attention with Bank’s biting comments, cutesy hooks and unprecedented sound.
The Harlem native truly is in a league all her own, pulling from all music backgrounds and sprinkling her swag with admirable fashion choices. Since her first major debut on the underground circuit in 2011, Banks has gained an immense fan base and Twitter following. Her EP entitled “1991” is on sale on iTunes and is worth a good listen. This female spitter is sure to make a name for herself on a much broader scope soon enough.
Still not convinced? Check out her recent video “Liquorice” below.
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J’adore Azealia. She’s so fun…