You may think once you’ve launched your business the hard part is over, but the truth is, that’s far from reality. While plenty of work goes into starting a company, it’s essential to keep this up after your business has been made official. Elevating your business has many benefits, including helping you improve your offering, making it easier to gain new customers and helping you stay ahead of your competitors.
You might think taking conscious steps to improve your business would be expensive, but the good news is there are plenty of methods you can use to increase your visibility without racking up a massive marketing bill. From taking advantage of social media platforms to building a community around your brand, we’ve rounded up some tips to help you take your business to the next level.
Utilise social media
Social media is an extremely useful marketing tool and if you’re not taking advantage of it, it’s likely you’re missing out on opportunities for growth. With Brits now spending an average of 4.8 hours per day on their phones, social media is the place to be if you want to raise your brand’s profile and increase your market reach.
In addition, being active on social media platforms won’t cost you anything, unless you decide to invest in paid advertising to reach a wider market or to target a specific audience. This means you can save your marketing budget for other things, such as promotional materials or a radio advert.
Get networking
Attending networking events in your industry will help you spread word of your business and stay on top of what’s going on in your sector. While in-person events may not be possible due to the repercussions of the pandemic, many businesses have continued to run events virtually over platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
Networking is also a great way to meet potential customers or contacts in your industry who may be useful in the future. You never know who you might meet when you’re out and about, so remember to always have a set of business cards on hand to pass out to your new connections if you meet someone in person.
Build a community
Increasing customer loyalty is an essential component in elevating your business, and this will be much easier to achieve if your brand has a built-in community of people who have the same interests or are sharing a similar experience.
Consider starting a group on Facebook for customers to share their thoughts and feelings on the product or service you provide. For example, if you offer online fitness coaching, encourage your clients to post about their achievements or challenges. Fostering a caring, supportive environment will make your clients more likely to remain loyal.