A woman’s conception date is all about timing. Tracking your menstrual cycle can give you hints about when your body is at its best to get pregnant. Planning a pregnancy is not always easy, but there are some steps you can to improve your chances of getting pregnant sooner. Here are five hints on helping you to get pregnant and to promote a healthy pregnancy.
Get to know your cycle
If you want to plan your pregnancy concisely then you will need to get to know your cycle. This can be important when you become pregnant and help doctors to calculate your due date too. By tracking your cycle, you can find the dates you are most likely to conceive giving you a better chance of conception. If you have a regular cycle this might be quite easy but can more difficult if your cycle is irregular. However, with careful monitoring, you can pinpoint your ovulation days. Also, once you are pregnant you can find your conception date by using this pregnancy conception calculator.
Visit your doctor
You may need to speak to your doctor to come off your contraception. But take this opportunity to talk about both your health and your partner’s health. Knowing that you are both fit and healthy will make you more confident about your chances of conception. You never know, your doctor might have some advice on how to improve your chances. This might include improving your diet, weight loss, and exercise which are all beneficial for both the body and mind.If you want to get the best help possible during your whole pregnancy and the planning process of it, you might consider reaching out to West End Mamas, a dedicated wellness clinic for future moms.
Take 400 Micrograms of Folic Acid Every Day
Folic Acid is recommended to be taken by pregnant women for the first three months of pregnancy. But it is also advised that you take this Folic acid, B vitamin, least 1 month before and during pregnancy, it can help prevent major birth defects of the baby’s brain and spine. So as soon as you start trying for a baby you should start taking your folic acid to give you complete support and protection from the start.
Avoid alcohol and stop smoking
Both alcohol consumption and smoking are very bad for the development of your baby and you want your baby to get the best start right from conception. Bearing that in mind if you are planning a pregnancy, you should really cut down on alcohol and if you can stop smoking altogether. To be honest cutting down on cigarettes and alcohol will have a positive effect, whether you are trying to get pregnant or not.
Have fun!
It is said that stress is a major factor when considering the difficulties for getting pregnant. You should enjoy being intimate with your partner and the less you think about making a baby the less stressed you will be. Most ladies will tell you being anxious about getting pregnant causes problems and you are more likely to be successful if you just forget about it. So relax, have fun and enjoy being with your partner.
How soon can you get pregnant?
Follow this advice, and you will be well on your way to doing everything you can to becoming pregnant. These are some simple yet effective ways to improve your pregnancy chances but remember if you are worried or concerned you should always consult your health professional.
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