For a long time, sew-ins were the go-to method for adding lengths to hair. I remember discovering sew-ins high school and once I got into them, I couldn’t stop. It seemed like a reliable way for me to protect my natural 4C hair while getting all the bounce and body I desired from my newly purchased tresses. Needless to say, I was hooked on sew-ins and the gruesome hours I spent in different braiding shops and hair salons to get my fix at an affordable value seemed worth it.
But one day, I started to realize that the method I thought was protecting my natural hair, was starting to cause more damage than good. Sew-ins had given me the illusion of convenience and ease for my lifestyle but in actuality, they were creating more drama in my life. The tight braiding of natural hair under the sew-ins constantly left me itching; my edges were snatched out of their follicles over time from this practice and I constantly felt like my scalp was dirty when the braids would start to grow out. This is why I started experimenting with wigs towards my later years in college.
I was an early adopter of lace fronts and was rocking them at a time that they were still a little cliché for young women. I realized that wigs helped me keep my scalp free — I could take them off and on at night to let my hair breathe or adhere them to my head for a more seamless look. It was easier for me to switch up styles — I didn’t have to wait weeks for my next bundle install to rock curly or straight here. But more importantly, I was able to grow back my edges, give my natural hair a break and save my money! The cost of a lace front wig was less than the cost of purchasing bundles and then paying a hairstylist to install them!
Now finding a quality wig is the true challenge – there are a lot of hair sellers on the internet that are selling low-quality lace wigs – BEWARE! I have literally tried SO MANY brands and I can tell you some are legit and some are just straight fraudulent. One company that I like that offers lace wigs at decent pricing is Hairvivi.
Here are a few of the wigs that I love and would highly recommend for someone who wants a quick and easy hairstyle for the week.
1. Victoria Pre-Plucked Front Lace Wig Straight Human Hair
This wig offers you that classic center-part look and is a best seller for the brand. You can easily curl or style this hair but the density is thick enough where the hair won’t fall flat or look dry. Perfect for a date night when I want a slick look or for an outing with my girlfriends.
2. “Cookie” Short Pixie Cut Wig Bob Style
This wig screams sophisticated BAUCE woman. You won’t have to do much manipulation to achieve this look. Just slap it on and go. I love that this hair is pre-cut and textured. This pixie cut is PERFECT for summer and fall.
3. “CEREZA” Burgundy Lace Front Wig
One of the things I love about lace wigs is the ability to change up your look quickly. This two-tone burgundy wig definitely gives me high-fashion or creative R&B singer vibes. The red tones definitely pop against chocolate melanin skin. This wig is perfect for when you want to make a statement.
BAUCE women are always on the go and don’t allow their hair to set back their time. If you’re ready to upgrade your look, preserve your natural hair, and save your coins, then I highly recommend you check out Hairvivi.