When The New Atlanta, a reality TV show that followed the stories of Atlanta’s newest generation of driven young professionals, premiered on Bravo in 2013, a woman by the name of Africa Miranda stole the spotlight. The breakout star, who has been notably cast as a model for several international hair campaigns, was able to use the platform to showcase her witty personality and performance talent as an actress and singer. In her interview with BAUCE, Africa discusses how she stays motivated and down-to-earth in an industry that is all about glitz, glam and drama.
What first allured you about the entertainment industry and how did you begin your journey towards acting, singing and modeling? 
Africa: I’ve been a performer since a very young age. Violin at age four, from there piano, dance, and also musical theatre growing up. I always knew that I wanted to be on stage , but modeling was an unexpected turn in my career.
What was the first accomplishment you’ll always be proud of?
Africa: Being voted Miss Alabama State University while in college. It set me on a public path and groomed me for everything I’m doing today.
Did you ever think you’d end up being on a reality TV show? How did you hear about The New Atlanta?
Africa: The New Atlanta was totally unexpected. A close friend recommended me to the producers and the rest as they say is history.
What was the biggest reward of being on reality TV? What was the biggest challenge for you?
Africa: The biggest reward of being on a reality show is having a larger platform to showcase my talent and tell my story. It’s afforded me opportunities that were not available to me before. The biggest challenge however is that with the larger platform comes more scrutiny. It was hard to handle at first, but I’ve gotten more of a handle on it now.
We hear that in addition to your entertainment work you used to blog! Please tell us more about The Hairnista Chronicles! When and how did you start these two projects?
Africa: The Hairnsita Chronicles was my natural hair blog that I started in 2009 while I was transitioning. My career started to take off and I wasn’t able to keep it going but I’m happy to say that I’ve relaunched my personal site africamiranda.com as a hair, beauty, and lifestyle site. It features special curated content of my favorite products, tips, as well as contributors from other lifestyle experts. It also incorporates my YouTube lifestyle channel Africa TV (YouTube.com/africamiranda)
What is one thing about yourself that you are working to improve?
Africa: I am the worst procrastinator! I’ve gotten better but it is definitely a struggle.
What keeps you motivated to reach your goals?
Africa: I learned early on that if I wanted to have any type of success or longevity in the entertainment world then I would have to self-motivate. People aren’t always going to understand your choices and sacrifices, so you can’t base your drive on whether or not you have a cheering section. Be your own biggest fan.
How do you balance your hustle and life? Do you see your family and friends often with all of the projects you are working on?
Africa: Balance is hard. I’ve missed a lot of important moments over the years with friends and family. I’ve made it my goal this year to be more present. While I don’t see my friends and family as often as I’d like, I have seen them more in the past few months since I’ve made an effort to do so.
Quick Facts About Africa
Biggest pet peeve? Liars!
Favorite movie of all time? The Color Purple
Celebrity that you’d love to be a little sister to? Tracee Ellis Ross
Worst habit as a kid? Biting my nails
Biggest fear? Trusting the wrong people
Africa is currently featured on episode 7 of the web series Black Actress and wrapped up production of a scripted TV pilot called Make Time 4 Love. To keep up with this big-haired diva, you can follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or through her YouTube channel Africa.Tv.