Green skincare, otherwise known as natural, or organic skincare, has never been bigger. The trend isn’t just a trend, however—it’s a way to live a healthier lifestyle. More women than ever are doing their research, and the complete Instagram takeover by green skincare bloggers makes it impossible to not know at least a little about making the switch. Some women have championed around cutting ties with bigger brands completely in favor of making products of their own.
There’s a lot to know about making the move to green skincare, but here’s a few of the biggest tips!
1. It’s sad to give up your fave products
I remember just sort of sitting with a bin full of skincare products I’d been using for years. They were my brands, the products I woke up to and fell asleep with at night. Dramatic as it sounds, we get used to our habits, and it’s hard to cut ‘em. But look at those ingredient lists, and remind yourself why you’re giving it up. Plus, you probably have a friend who has zero interest in making the switch who’d be thrilled to get some new products. Let her know what’s up, and give your babies a wave as they find a new home.
2. Learn about why more women are switching to green skincare
Campaigns like the Clean Beauty Revolution seek to raise awareness of the many toxins in mainstream skincare products, because we should 100% know what’s going in our bodies. Our skin is our biggest organ, and what we put on our body ends up in it—why not be good to our bodies?
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3. It’s actually *so* empowering to take control of your routine
Skincare brands make millions telling us what’s wrong with us, and how we can fix it. Have dark spots? Spend $100 on this cream! Acne? Give us $200 now, and then you’ll see results! Every year there’s something new we should be worried about, and they’re profiting off of our self-consciousness. Deciding to cut these brands out of your life feels like getting rid of that rude ex who told you you were fat.
4. You’re supporting #GirlBosses
When you take into account that many creators of green skincare brands are women with big hearts making products in their kitchens, making the switch to natural products can feel akin to friendship. I have women I reach out to on Instagram on a regular basis to ask which hair mask I should try, or which toning mist would be best for my latest hormonal breakout. They really care about what’s happening with our bodies and want to help us out, not knock us down.
5. You’re also supporting small businesses
Not only are you supporting your local girl boss, but if you shoot small, you’re also supporting small businesses. Go on Etsy, or even just on Instagram, and you’ll come across dozens and dozens of brands made by one or a couple of people. When you support their work, you’re not supporting massive branding campaigns or air time, but are instead literally supporting their livelihood. It’s a good feeling.
6. It may take a little trial and error to find the right products for you
Like any change, it takes a little trial and error to figure out the right combination of ingredients to get your skin to where you want it to be. Luckily, green skincare brands are way more transparent about what goes into their products, and are more than willing to talk to you. Direct message a brand you like on Instagram and see what they think would work best for your needs!