When is it time to demote, promote, or fire an individual from your life? This is a question that not a lot of us ask ourselves, but is vital. Keeping individuals in your life who have become more of a hindrance than a benefit can be toxic on the person you are and the person you are becoming.
Relationships of all sorts can become old at times. We are constantly growing to become the BAUCE women we’ve set out to be. But, sometimes with that growth, comes strain. Not everyone is going to understand your journey or your struggle, but pay attention to the people who do! Those are the people you want in your corner.
Play your role, or get demoted.
I know, it sounds harsh, but am I wrong? It is natural to grow apart from someone. We all experience it. As we get older and start to truly find ourselves, so are our friends and the people around us! Getting demoted is not always a bad thing! It opens up space and opportunity for people who are actually working to be there.
Do you feel yourself pulling away from certain people or situations? That’s all a part of life, sweetie. Our bodies were not made to be stagnant, neither were our minds or friends list’s. A sure sign that a demotion is in the near future is when your morals, interests and values no longer align with the ones around you.
Somebody’s getting fired, HEY HEY *Beyoncé Voice*
Were you ladies watching as Beyoncé threatened to fire her sound engineer while she was performing on stage? Your situation may be a little bit different than Bey’s, but you should still address the situation full force, like she did. When you feel that someone is no longer a positive contribution to your success (or vice-versa), it is time for somebody to be let go. It may be them; it may even be you! But, recognizing when to dead a situation is ‘muy importante’!
Promote those who COUNT!
Yes, demoting and firing people is needed when you’re striving for greatness. Certain individuals just aren’t with the program. However, it is super important that we are not cutting out the ones who openly support our mission. These individuals you support as well! In any kind of relationship, it is important that you and the other person are equally yoked. ‘Promoting’ an individual does not necessarily mean that you are putting them in some sort of pedestal. Instead, you’re simply recognizing the person they are and the role they play in your life!
All this talk about demotions, promotions and firing people is cool. But honestly, why waste any time on an individual who is not wasting time on you? Work on the relationships that are actually worth keeping! We BAUCE’s do not have time to give life to dead situations. So be smart, take care of yourself, and love the ones who love you!
Thanks for sharing