Acupuncture has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It works by rebalancing the body’s natural energies and enhancing our biological systems.
With the pressures of modern-day society, stress and anxiety can take a toll on us mentally, physically, and emotionally. When this happens, it negatively impacts our hormones and has many other unpleasant side effects.
According to chiropractic care centers like the Back To Health Centre, pain relief that’s natural and holistic is better for long-lasting comfort and won’t create unpleasant side effects. In this way, acupuncture can help by alleviating symptoms and improving your overall well-being for the long term.
Better Menstrual Health
Many women struggle with some complications with their menstrual cycles. With many symptoms ranging from painful periods, irregular cycles, and heavy bleeding, it’s easy for your doctor to put you on medication to help with these symptoms.
We have become familiar with conditions such as endometriosis and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). Acupuncture has been helping women manage the debilitating symptoms of these conditions for thousands of years.
When visiting your acupuncture practitioner, they’ll take detailed notes of the history of your symptoms and create treatment plans specifically for you.
Fertility Benefits
Acupuncture produces positive effects supporting ovarian and follicular function. It’s also shown to increase the blood flow to the endometrium. The lining of the uterus becomes thicker, making the perfect environment for pregnancy,
Acupuncture can help support fertility for natural conception. This procedure can also be used alongside IVF treatment. Acupuncture treatment is determined by where you are in your cycle if you’re trying, and where you are within the IVF treatment.
With many pressures on us today, our body is prone to a flight or fight response. This continuous cycle creates an environment that isn’t fit for reproduction. The acupuncture procedure will help to relieve this stress and create a better environment for natural fertility.
Pregnancy Assistance
A woman’s body undergoes many changes during pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms and body changes can take a real toll on an expecting mother. Medications to treat the symptoms are minimal because many are unsafe to use during pregnancy.
Acupuncture helps to relieve a lot of the symptoms, from nausea to pain. Make sure to inform your practitioner of your pregnancy since acupuncture can bring on early labor. Your practitioner will then avoid areas that would cause this.
If you’re close to your due date, acupuncture is believed to promote healthy labor. During your session, your practitioner will treat you like a queen.
Menopause Relief
Every woman is different, and menopause will affect each woman in different ways. With symptoms such as hot flashes, dizziness, and mood changes, going through menopause can be an unpleasant experience.
During an acupuncture study, 70 women going through menopause had a 15-minute session once a week for six weeks. In the end, 80% of them noted a decrease in their menopausal symptoms. Acupuncture is a more natural approach than hormonal therapy.
Depending on the severity of your symptoms, acupuncture can require a few treatments before you see improvement. Your practitioner will treat you for the range of symptoms you’re experiencing instead of just a specific one.
Alleviate Stress And Anxiety
With hormonal changes and environmental factors, women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety than men.
If you’re suffering from mental health conditions, acupuncture has been helping generations of women for thousands of years. It helps balance the energy flowing through your body, improving your mood and stabilizing your emotions.
Some say that acupuncture works just as well as depression medication without the additional side effects. Acupuncture helps to improve your mental wellness, decreasing anxiety levels. There are also lower instances of panic attacks and high blood pressure.
Improve Thyroid Problems
One in eight women develops a thyroid condition at some point. The symptoms can take a real toll on your body. Those with a thyroid condition can have too much or too little hormones. The symptoms can range from anxiety to constipation.
Prescription medication for thyroid disorders came with more adverse side effects. Luckily, studies have shown that acupuncture helps improve thyroid disorders symptoms in women. With routine treatments, you’ll be feeling great in no time.
Beat Insomnia
Acupuncture is earning a reputation for becoming an effective treatment for insomnia. It provides a natural alternative to sleep medication with unpleasant side effects. Some medications can often lead to drowsiness the next day and even dependencies.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, our bodies have many acupoints that must be balanced to create vital energy. When our energy is unbalanced, our flow of this energy is interrupted. Acupuncture helps to rebalance this energy for tremendous physiological functioning.
Acupuncture has been shown to improve sleep and duration. The key to a successful treatment is to go for regular acupuncture procedures. In no time, you’ll be getting a great night’s rest.