Have you ever noticed how some ladies are chatterboxes in the lunchroom or out at the bar, but when it comes to a presentation they freeze up like popsicles? Public speaking is one of the most common fears of in America. In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, 75% of women have “glossophobia” (the specific term for this type of speech anxiety)!
Credit: ChecksandSpots.com
However, being shaky with your words in front of crowds is not conducive to building an empire, especially when you’ll need to do some talking to persuade potential partners and customers to support your personal and career goals. If you’re having trouble getting your words out in front of a large group of people (and imagining everyone naked isn’t doing the trick) then it’s time to start working on reducing your anxiety. If you really need professional advice and treatment, you can always book a visit to the best speech therapy in Dallas – speech therapy is not for children only!
Jodie Fox, the co-founder of e-commerce company Shoes of Prey, is a businesswoman that has utilized her communication and law skills for public speaking engagement and several business pitches. But did you know that Jodie is naturally an introvert? Here are her must-know five tips for settling your nerves and improving your public speaking:
Open with a story
Eliminate your fears before you’re on stage
Know your content
Be prepared for tech failures
No one wants you to fail
Watch the video to see how Jodie executes these five crucial tips and to find out how you can apply them too!