We’d all love to have healthy, glossy, happy strands—but sometimes it seems like the more you mess with your hair, the worse it looks.
All the expensive stylists and hair products in the world won’t do much to make your hair look good if your basic strand health is on the line, and it’s all too easy to begin bad habits that put your hair wellness in jeopardy and leave you looking frizzy and frazzled.
We’re here to save the day, with the top five most important healthy habits to adapt to keep your hair looking, and feeling, its best.
Nourish Strands From The Inside Out
Keeping your strands looking good on the outside can be harder than it needs to be if your hair’s microbiome is out of balance, or you’re experiencing nutritional gaps. When your follicles aren’t getting the support they need, growth can slow, and existing strands can become more fragile and prone to shedding, splitting, and breakage. Supplementing your hair care routine with a serum packed with hair health boosting ingredients can help balance out the scales, ensuring your hair is getting the support it needs to thrive. A good hair serum delivers a powerful dose of hair health boosting actives right to the root of your strands, where they can be easily absorbed for the improvement of your hair health.
Eat The Rainbow
You can nourish your strands directly with a serum or supplement, but if your body isn’t getting the essential nutrients it needs to thrive your strands still might suffer the consequences. Once of the best ways to make sure your strands are getting all the macronutrient goodness they need to look their best is to attempt to eat the rainbow of fruits and veggies as often as you can, taking in as many hues of healthy plant based foods as possible. High in minerals and antioxidants, as well as critical vitamins and minerals, fruits and veggies are your hair’s bff.
Keep Calm And Carry On
One of the most insidious and hard to avoid enemies of hair wellness is high stress levels. When you’re under strain, your hair growth slows. Extreme stress events can even lead to dramatic hair shed, as alopecia areata caused by stress can create sudden, dramatic hair loss. To protect your hair, and keep your whole body healthy, try to minimize stress where you can. Serotonin boosting exercises like yoga, dancing, and walks, and daily mindfulness habits like journaling, gratitude lists, and meditation, are all helpful tools for keeping your stress level at a minimum.
Emphasize Hydration
When you’re dehydrated, so is your hair. If you’re someone who struggles to get enough water into your system, the results will show in your strands, so step up your water drinking and avoid taking in too much dehydrating caffeine whenever possible. But even if you are getting enough H2O, your strands might still be lacking in moisture. Sticking to hair products specifically designed to boost hydration, like a deep moisture boosting hair mask, will help introduce hydration deep within your hair shaft for smoother, shinier, and softer feeling locks. Hydrating hair from the inside as well as using nourishing hydration treatments covers all your bases, preventing frizz and keeping strands happy and hydrated.
Don’t Stress Out Your Strands
Are you a fan of hot irons, blow dryers, high impact hairstyling, or harsh chemical treatments? Your hair may suffer as a result. Over time, these types of hair treatments can cause strands to weaken, become brittle, and even fall out entirely—leaving you scrambling to heal damaged hair. To avoid this disaster, try to go au natural whenever possible. Protective hairstyles like locs or braids are perfect for keeping hair happy and under control. Don’t want to give up your old favorites entirely? You don’t have to—just make sure to compensate with extra healthy hair habits and reserve them for special occasions whenever possible.
By sticking to these tips, you’re helping your hair look healthier and happier the natural way, setting yourself up for lovelier locks and good hair days for many years to come.