Do you really think equal pay exists between men and women in the United States? We may be a long way from the stone ages, but guess again.
Often, many working women, especially in fields dominated by men, are often viewed as less capable to handle jobs that require strength, strong negotiating skills, or leadership. Women are perceived as meager, pushovers, or incapable of remaining present in roles due to motherhood or care-taking responsibilities. This leads to women often receiving lower pay then their male counterparts, a hidden fact that may exist in your office but you may be fully unaware of because of work culture rules about discussing salaries.
The Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA) will be discussed on the Senate floor this week and it’s important that women garner as much support for it as possible. Because no individual should be lessened or sized up for their abilities simply because of their gender. The passage of the PFA would update a 50 year-old-law that provides incentives to employers that pay women in a fair manner.
Additionally, it would prohibit employers from retaliating against employees that may share salary information with their co-workers, thus ultimately revealing inequality in work spaces.
A vote is expected on PFA June 5, as it currently is pending in the 112th congress. Now is the time for Congress to advance fair pay for working women and stand up for our rights. To show your support, tweet #HERvotes on this post or begin calling your Senators and urging them to vote!