As a student, it may seem like a fact of life that you’re going to be poor. Even after saving up for college since they were barely old enough to say ‘dada,’ students all across the globe run low on much-needed funds pretty much every semester. So, what do you do if you’re in that situation? How do you get your hands on the cash you need, when you need it? While UK payday loans can be available in a financial emergency for those who are in current employment, over the age of 18 and pass affordability checks, making small amounts of money throughout the year to keep you afloat certainly doesn’t go amiss. Luckily, we’ve pulled together five simple ways to earn money when you’re running low at university!
1. Become A Brand Ambassador
If you’re looking for a steady stream of income over the university year, what better way to get just that than by being a brand ambassador? All kinds of brands, from clothing to hotel chains, will pay you to advertise their brand. More often than not, they’ll send you freebies and goodies to hand out and with those campus parties and busy nights out, its easy money for students. You’re likely to get flexible hours that you can choose to fit your study schedule, it’ll give you an excuse to get out and socialize, and who doesn’t love a freebie or two? Some brands offer additional perks too, so why not take a look around and see what vacancies are on offer?
2. Sell Things and Make Things!
Do you know what your skills are? If you know that you have a skill in a particular craft, utilize it. Whether you’re handy with a craft knife, or you knit as well as your Nana, you could be well on your way to selling some of your creations in no time! All you need is the right crafting tools and materials to make a few. In order to start selling your wares you’ll want a listing on a site such as Etsy or eBay or a place at a craft fair, and the motivation to keep going even when things get tough!
3. Work For Your University
Most universities have specific positions that they keep for students every year. Whether it’s tending the bar in your Student’s Union building, or sitting at the library front desk a couple of times a week, getting a job at your university can be a convenient and cost-effective way of gaining employment. Besides, it’s your university – they’re going to be flexible with your hours! Keep an eye on the uni newsletter, or ask around to see what vacancies are available.
4. Tutor Someone Else
If you’ve reached University, chances are you have a pretty good understanding of at least one subject – so use it! Tutoring students in younger years or even from high school can give you a great opportunity to not only brush up on your own skills, but pull in money while you do so. Besides, it looks great on your CV.
5. Handing Out Leaflets
While this is not necessarily the most popular way for students to make money, getting into this business and making money from it is quite simple. If you’re happy to interact with everyone who is walking past you in the street, then handing out leaflets and promotional brochures is a breeze. There are many nightlife options which can offer can offer you this as a side job as part of being a brand ambassador too, so you may even be able to double up your income!
While some of these suggestions will pull in money faster than others, the likes of becoming a brand ambassador and getting a job with your university will give you a sustainable income over the year too. Whatever you choose, we wish you the best of luck with your studies!