Driven. Passionate. Genuine. These are some words that come to my mind as I chat with Jenelle Hamilton over Zoom on a summer afternoon in May. For someone who has built a successful PR agency working with the who-is-who of LA and New York including Bob Mackie, DJ Khalid and Cher, you would assume she’s all done and dusted, wanting to spend endless days basking in her success. But she’s just getting started. “I work harder than my team. Don’t get me wrong, they work hard but I work long hours. I’m in the trenches with them,” she says.
Although this BAUCE now resides in LA and juggles running her bi-coastal agency, Jenelle Hamilton Inc in New York and LA, she credits her hustle and success to her working-class roots in Brixton, South London which is home to talent, hustle and a rich Afro-Caribbean culture. When asked about where she gets her drive from, she says: “It’s this Brixton energy for sure and I want to be the best. It’s not about the money. I’ve never been motivated by money. Obviously, we need it to live but I literally just want to know that when I leave this earth, I’ve achieved everything I was supposed to.”
After pursuing a Media and Public Relations degree, she got her first job as a PR assistant at Victims Support charity where she worked alongside Princess Anne while also juggling a part-time job to make ends meet. There she learned the ins and outs of public relations, from minute-taking to event planning as well as brand strategy. Her hustle and drive led her to opportunity after opportunity. Whilst out on holiday in New York fifteen years ago, she fell in love with the city and decided to relocate to continue with the beauty aspect of PR. Eventually, she branched out to start her own agency where she was working crazy hours and managing multiple accounts. “I just have high standards for myself and that’s what drives me. If I’m going to write this, it’s going to be the best press release I’m going to write. If I’m going to move to New York, I’m going to conquer New York; if I move to LA, I’m going to conquer LA. That’s my mindset,” she says.
This BAUCE takes pride in the fact that her agency has never had to pitch to a client but has constantly got business through referrals. “I’ve never gone after a new business like that. I feel like if I put out good energy, it’ll come to me. They come to me and I determine whether it’s a good fit or not,” she says.
Throughout the call, one thing remains constant and that’s her passion for her work. She’s a proud PR girl through and through and is adamant about sharing advice with upcoming BAUCEs looking to break into the industry.
How To Break Into Public Relations
Hamilton’s first advice for BAUCEs looking to enter the industry is to hone in on your craft.
“Perfect your craft. You have to be so passionate about it. You have to consume media; you need to watch the shows, go on the websites, read the newspapers and be on social media. You need to understand how it works,” she asserts.
She references Gary Vee’s message of going where the attention is. “For my clients, I’m thinking where is the attention now? Are they looking at TikTok? Are they reading Vogue magazine? We have to follow where the attention is and get press there,” she says.
Hamilton is also quick to add that the journey is not all roses. “It’s tough for someone entering the industry because PR is now popular. When I first started, no one knew what PR was but now through accounts like mine on Instagram, people get a glimpse into what it’s like.
“It’s a very competitive industry. If I’m hiring someone, I need to know you’re passionate about consuming media, and that you understand who you’re pitching. You have to invest in yourself and in your industry,” she says.
In addition, Hamilton says you need to have an entrepreneurial spirit to excel in PR. “Everyone is a brand now. You have a brand. I have a brand. Your social media is also your brand; you are crafting an image. Your brand says so much about you so you have to think about this even as an employee in the industry.” She says you also have to be an entrepreneur in terms of you striving for where you want to be. “I want to be excellent all the time. I refuse to send an email that’s not good. I refuse to not prepare for a call. I refuse to not be on time. I want to be the best I can be,” says Hamilton.
She believes that’s how successful people think. They keep striving; it’s never enough. They are always hungry for more. “It’s not even the money. It’s for yourself; [the fact] that I can be so much more,” she says.
“There’s something about successful people where they just push themselves to the limit. And when you work hard and you love what you do, the money is going to come. People keep chasing the money, but this is the mindset they’re supposed to have,” says Hamilton.
Hamilton also believes networking is essential in the industry. “You really can’t be shy. I’m very down to earth and I’m curious about people,” she says when asked how important networking has played a role in her success. She is a big believer in shooting your shot and connecting with people.
Considering public relations is all about reputation management, it certainly doesn’t have a good one with many seeing it as ‘fake’, ‘fabricated’, or ‘artificial’ just to name a few. Others may see the need for publicity as unnecessary. “Publicity is key because you can’t deny the results. PR is about building brand awareness and reaching a global audience,” she says.
One thing about Hamilton is that she does not stop. She wants to leave this world empty, having given her all. “I’m going to be the best Jenelle. I know that if I die tomorrow, I can say that I really pushed myself and made the most of my life and that’s what drives me.”
As our call winds down, she tells me about her next stop in London for the DIVA exhibit with her client Bob Mackie’s designs (Cher, Pink, Tina Turner, Bette Midler) which will be on display starting 24th June at the Victoria and Albert Museum.